MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake


MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake! 😍


A 100% pure MaoShanWang durian mooncake. Every bite, a durian lover’s dream.


Anthony Bourdain once said of durian “Like pungent runny French cheese … your breath will smell as if you’d been French kissing your dead grandmother!”


MaoShanWang Snowskin MooncakeBeautiful MaoShanWang snowskin divas!


Well, that’s just it. Durian is a diva fruit. It wants its presence felt, it makes it presence known and it demands you either love it or hate it.


Be overcome, seduced by its powerful, potent presence, or reject it outright. And run screaming. There is no in between. 


Durian Gold!Smells like hell, tastes like HEAVEN!


For durian lovers only, read on 😄


I made this beautiful MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake with little sugar crumble and it was just fun and great Mom & Dot bonding.


family bondingMade these with little sugar crumble ♥️


Make this yourself for the coming Mid Autumn festival & have fun celebrating family and the King! 🤩 🤩



Mid Autumn Festival and Snowskin Mooncake

The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) is one of the most important festivals celebrated by the Chinese and mooncakes (月饼🥮) are the quintessential treat of the Festival. 


Royal blue MSW mooncakeRound for reunion – 圆满团圆


Round shaped to look like a full moon, mooncakes are a symbol of togetherness and celebrates the harvest, the family and reunion with loved ones. 


MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake up closeMaoshanwang in mochi soft snowskin


Said to have originated in Hong Kong, snowskin mooncake (冰皮月饼) is a variety which does not require baking. The snowskin is also easy to prepare using only 4 ingredients.


Unlike traditional baked mooncakes, snowskin mooncakes have a unique soft mochi-like texture and can be filled with any filling of choice. They have a beautifully delicate appearance and are delicious when served chilled.


MaoShanWang Snowskin MooncakePretty and glam!


For my snowskin mooncake, Maoshawang durian is my filling of choice 😍😍 This MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake is a durian lover’s dream. Dressed in light and royal blue snowskin glammed up in gold, this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake is simply gorgeous and tastes divine – creamy, pungent, bitter, sweet and oh so satisfying!  (Translate – oh Durian, you make me so Happy! 😄😄)


Watch the recipe tutorial for step by step instructions and I hope you enjoy making it as I did. 


MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake Recipe Tutorial


If you like this recipe tutorial and would like to see more, subscribe to my channel here 😊


And if you are a die-hard durian lover or if you have been finely converted to one by this beautiful MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake, you may also like to check out my other favorite durian recipes 😄


Irresistible durian creme brûlée 

Durian Creme Brulee


Chocolate durian mousse bombe

Chocolate Durian Mousse Bombe


Gorgeous durian mousse cake

Beauitiful Durian Mousse Cake


Delicious durian puffs

Delicious Durian Puff


Easy durian ice cream (no churn)

Durian Ice Cream



Tips for MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake


#1 Making the mooncake

I used a 75g plunger mould (diameter ~2.5 inches) to make this MaoshanWang Snowskin Mooncake. Flour the mould lightly with cooked glutinous rice flour and the plunger will release the mooncake perfectly and nicely moulded.


Mooncake plunger mouldThree firm taps will do ..


If using moulds of different sizes, I generally apply the 50/50 rule which is half snowskin and half filling. So for instance if using a 50g mooncake mould, go with 25g snowskin and 25g filling.


Making mooncakeRoll, fill, seal, mould – Voila!


#2 Type of flour

It is important not to confuse the two different types of glutinous rice flour. The glutinous rice flour is used in making the snowskin batter whilst the cooked or fried glutinous rice flour is used only for dusting. 


Glutinous Rice FlourGlutinous rice flour for the batter


The Sugar Crumble had a subscriber who kept getting sticky bread batter instead of the watery batter texture in the tutorial and we just couldn’t figure out why. After a few rounds of trouble shooting, we realized she mistakenly used cooked glutinous rice flour instead for the dough. Cooked glutinous rice flour (which was only meant for flouring) absorbs a lot more liquid and hence her dough batter was a fail from the get go.


Cooked Glutinous Rice FlourFried glutinous rice flour for dusting **


Cooked or fried glutinous rice flour also called Gao Fen (糕粉) is readily available at bake shops during Mid Autumn season. For those who prefer not to cook or fry their own, you can easily get it store bought. However if you are getting both rice flours from the store, make sure you do not confuse the two types of glutinous rice flours when making the batter.


** There are snowskin mooncakes which use cooked glutinous rice flour together with shortening or butter in the snowskin batter. However my MaoShanWang Mooncake is a different recipe as I do not use any fat content (except milk) in the snowskin therefore the cooked glutinous rice flour is used merely for flouring or dusting.


#3 To boil or not to boil?

I boiled 200ml milk with blue pea flowers to extract the lovely blue from the buds. The thing about boiling liquids is that they evaporate and reduce in quantity. It is therefore important not to over-boil and to check the milk level when it is done.


Bluepea liquidMake sure there is sufficient liquids


The lovely blue tinged milk should be ~ 170ml to 175ml, for there to be sufficient liquids to form the right batter texture.


Blue pea snowskinLove these vibrant blues


For those who prefer to add colouring or leave your MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake as original white, there is no need to boil the milk. You may leave as is or add the desired colouring directly to 175ml milk and make your batter from there.



#4 Batter texture & milk substitutes

The snowskin batter is not doughy at all. It is a watery batter which will firm up nicely upon steaming. I used full fresh milk to make the snowskin as it gave a delicious light creamy taste to the snowskin which I like.


SNowskin batterBatter is soupy ..


You can also substitute with half and half or skim milk. Or for those who are lactose intolerant, unsweetened soya milk or oat milk are also great lactose free substitutes.


SNowskin batteAnd easy to pour ..


There may be a slight difference in the taste of the snowskin but we all know, it’s the MaoShanWang durian that is the star!🤩🤩


#5 Storage

I know many store bought snowskin mooncakes can usually be stored in the freezer for up to a few weeks. But hand on heart, I can’t say the same for this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake. Personally, this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake is best eaten fresh and within 2-3 days, always kept only well chilled in the refrigerator and not frozen.  


Eat it fresh!


We found that once it is frozen and thawed, whilst the durian filling still tasted amazing, unfortunately the texture of the snowskin has hardened and was no longer mochi soft.

Perhaps it’s because this MaoShanWang Snowskin Durian is homemade and without preservatives and hence does not freeze well. Therefore enjoy it fresh, chilled not frozen and best to consume within 2-3 days. 


MaoShanWang Snowskin MooncakeBlessed Mid-Autumn!


Did you make this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake? I would love to know how it turned out for you. Tell me more! 😊  Please leave me a comment or tag me on Instagram, FB hashtag #thesugarcrumble



MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake

MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake!
A 100% pure MaoShanWang durian mooncake. Every bite, a durian lover's dream ♥️ !
Prep Time1 hour
Cook Time20 minutes
Chilling time1 hour
Total Time2 hours 20 minutes
Course: Mooncakes
Cuisine: Asian
Keyword: MaoShanWang durian, Mid-Autumn treat
Servings: 10 MSW mooncakes
Author: Kai


Snowskin dough

  • 50 g glutinous rice flour
  • 45 g rice flour
  • 20 g wheat starch
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • ~ 9-10 blue pea flower buds for light blue dough.
  • ~ 18 blue pea flower buds for dark blue dough
  • 2 tbsp oil

Maoshanwang durian filling

  • 500 g MaoShanWang durian (de-seeded)

Fried glutinous rice flour (“Gao Fen” for dusting)

  • 1/2 cup glutinous rice flour

Mooncake mould:

  • I used a 75g round plunger mould


Making the snowskin

  • Mix the rice flours, wheat starch and icing sugar together. Give it a good whisk and set aside.
  • Add the blue pea flowers to the milk and boil gently on low heat until the flowers release a lovely pale blue color. Always keep on low heat and be careful not to overboil. You should have ~ 170-175ml pale blue pea milk mixture after heating. (For the royal blue coloured snowskin, I made another batch and doubled the blue pea flowers for the deeper blue.)
  • Sieve in the blue pea milk into the flour mixture and mix well until the flour mixture is fully incorporated and not lumpy. Add in 2 tbsp oil and do a final sieve of the mixture for a smooth snowskin dough. The batter will be watery.
  • Steam the batter on high heat for 20 minutes. Once cooked, remove from heat and mix it with a spatula to release the steam until it’s a nice smooth dough.
  • Wrap the dough in cling wrap and let it chill for 1 hour before use. Once chilled, divide the snowskin dough into dough balls of ~40g each. Cover the dough balls with a cling wrap to prevent it from drying out.

MaoShanWang durian filling

  • De-seed the MaoShanWang durian. Blend it in the food processor to get a smooth MaoShanWang durian purée.
  • Divide the durian purée into portions of ~40g each. Freeze for an hour until firm and roll them into balls. Place them back into the freezer and freeze till solid.

Fried Glutinous Rice Flour (for dusting)

  • Fry 1/2 cup of glutinous rice flour on low heat until it turns slightly golden ~ 2 minutes. There should be a slight toasted flour fragrance when it’s done.


  • Lightly flour the work table and roll out the dough ball into a circle ~ 10cm.
  • Place in the frozen durian filling and seal the dough. Roll gently to smoothen out the seams.
  • Optional: add a little gold leaf and gold dust on the TOP of the dough ball before stamping. Coat the filled dough ball with a little cooked glutinous rice flour to prevent the mooncake from sticking onto the mould.
  • Place the mooncake mould over the filled dough and press firmly (I used 3 firm taps) to shape the mooncake. Gently push and lift the mooncake plunger to release the moulded mooncake onto the work surface. Repeat with the other dough balls.
  • Transfer the snowskin mooncakes in an air tight container and chill in the fridge for an hour. Enjoy.



If you like this recipe tutorial and like to see more, subscribe to my YouTube channel here 😊
#1 Making the mooncake
I used a 75g plunger mould to make this MaoshanWang Snowskin Mooncake. Flour the mould lightly with cooked glutinous rice flour and the plunger will release the mooncake perfectly and nicely moulded.
If using moulds of different sizes, I generally apply the 50/50 rule which is half snowskin and half filling. So for instance if using a 50g mooncake mould, go with 25g snowskin and 25g filling.
#2 Type of flour
It is important not to confuse the two different types of glutinous rice flour. The glutinous rice flour is used in making the snowskin batter whilst the cooked or fried glutinous rice flour is used only for dusting.
The Sugar Crumble had a subscriber who kept getting sticky bread batter instead of the watery batter texture in the tutorial and we just couldn’t figure out why. After a few rounds of trouble shooting, we realized she mistakenly used cooked glutinous rice flour instead for the dough. Cooked glutinous rice flour (which was only meant for flouring) absorbs a lot more liquid and hence her dough batter was a fail from the get go.
Cooked or fried glutinous rice flour also called Gao Fen (糕粉) is readily available at bake shops during Mid Autumn season. For those who prefer not to cook or fry their own, you can easily get it store bought. However if you are getting both rice flours from the store, make sure you do not confuse the two types of glutinous rice flours when making the batter.
** There are snowskin mooncakes which use cooked glutinous rice flour together with shortening or butter in the snowskin batter. However my MaoShanWang Mooncake is a different recipe as I do not use any fat content (except milk) in the snowskin; therefore the cooked glutinous rice flour is used merely for flouring or dusting.
#3 To boil or not to boil?
I boiled 200ml milk with blue pea flowers to extract the lovely blue from the buds. The thing about boiling liquids is that they evaporate and reduce in quantity. It is therefore important not to over-boil and to check the milk level when it is done.
The lovely blue tinged milk should be ~ 170ml to 175ml,  for there to be sufficient liquids to form the right batter texture.
For those who prefer to add colouring or leave your MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake as original white, there is no need to boil the milk. You may leave as is or add the desired colouring directly to 175ml milk and make your batter from there.
#4 Batter texture & milk substitutes
The snowskin batter is not doughy at all. It is a watery batter which will firm up nicely upon steaming. I used full fresh milk to make the snowskin as it gave a delicious light creamy taste to the snowskin which I like.
You can also substitute with half and half or skim milk. Or for those who are lactose intolerant, unsweetened soya milk or oat milk are also great lactose free substitutes.
There may be a slight difference in the taste of the snowskin but we all know, it’s the MaoShanWang durian that is the star! 🤩 🤩
#5 Storage
I know many store bought snowskin mooncakes can usually be stored in the freezer for up to a few weeks. But hand on heart, I can’t say the same for this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake. Personally, this MaoShanWang Snowskin Mooncake is best eaten fresh and within 2-3 days, always kept only well chilled in the refrigerator and not frozen. 
We found that once it is frozen and thawed, whilst the durian filling still tasted amazing, unfortunately the texture of the snowskin has hardened and was no longer mochi soft.
Perhaps it’s because this MaoShanWang Snowskin Durian is homemade and without preservatives and hence does not freeze well. Therefore enjoy it fresh, chilled not frozen and best to consume within 2-3 days.
MaoShanWang Snowskin MooncakeBlessed Mid-Autumn!


  1. yvonne

    What are your views about cooking down the durian puree before use? I read someone said this will help to keep the product better.

    • Kai

      Hello! I have not tried cooking the durian puree as it always tastes good just off the seed! Frankly for this recipe, the durian filling keeps quite well chilled but it is the snowskin that cannot last as the mochi like texture tends to harden when kept in the fridge after 2-3 days.


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Hi! I am Kai, a once-upon-a-banker turned home baker. Welcome to my family food blog which is all about love for baking, love for food and of course love for eating! Hope you will enjoy following this food adventure and be converted to many of our favorites!

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