Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts


Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts – a melange of delicious spiced nuts with a mild lime fragrance and roasted to a perfect aromatic crunch. 


Besides my Lunar New Year Lohei, I also made these Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts as a snack for Lunar New Year 2020 and they just never seem enough. These nuts simply disappear happily and so quickly over drinks!


Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts


This Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts recipe is a gem. Simple to follow and takes just over 30 minutes to make.


I used Kaffir Lime leaves (of course) with ground cumin, smoked paprika, sea salt and black pepper to spice them up. I must say there is something irresistible about this combination of crunch and kick.


The butter syrup adds just the right tinge of sweetness and binds the heat of the spices and the fragrance of the lime leaves in a crisp buttery crunch.


Perfect snack with drinks


However many you make of these Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts, there is almost always never any left over. These delicious spiced nuts are just the Perfect Snack… with holiday drinks!


4 Easy Steps

Step 1: Toast the almonds and cashews.

Toasting almonds and cashews


Step 2: Make the brown sugar butter syrup.

Making brown sugar butter syrup


Step 3:Marinate the nuts with the spices, butter syrup and kaffir lime leaves.

Mixing nuts with spice, butter syrup and kaffir leaves


Step 4: Bake  – watch the 2 stage bake process@3.01 to 3.22 min of the recipe video.


Baking Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts




#1  – Stir constantly when toasting the almonds and cashews. These nuts do brown easily so you would want to watch them well and take them off the heat once they are done. Best test of doneness is to taste. Crisp crunch means dry roasted.


#2 – Be careful when de-stalking the kaffir lime leaves. You may not know this but there are well camouflaged little thorns on the stems. These are quite sharp and can be prickly and painful if one is not careful.


#3 – Check the nuts during the 2nd bake more closely. This is the stage where the nuts absorbed all that beautiful brown butter syrup and you would want to take it out at the right texture where it’s just nicely coated, not sticky to the touch and yet not dry.



If you like this recipe tutorial and like to see more, subscribe to my YouTube channel here!


And if you like this Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts, you may also like my other Chinese New Year recipes.


Did you make this? I’d love to know how it turned out! Please let me know by leaving a review. Or take a photo and share it on Instagram or FB; be sure to tag me please @thesugarcrumble.



Kaffir Lime Spiced Nuts

Delicious spiced nuts with a mild lime fragrance and roasted to a perfect aromatic crunch. The Perfect Snack... with holiday drinks!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time18 minutes
Total Time33 minutes
Servings: 5 persons
Author: Kai



  • 1 cup untoasted walnut halves
  • 1 cup untoasted pecan halves
  • 1 cup unsalted dry roasted almonds
  • 1 cup unsalted dry roasted cashews


  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1-2 stalks kaffir lime leaves


  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 40 g unsalted butter


  • Preheat oven to 175C. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly coat with cooking spray.
  • If almonds and cashews are untoasted, toast the almonds and cashews  (separately) in a saucepan over medium heat until roasted ( ~ 5 minutes for almonds and ~7 minutes for cashews)
  • Combine walnut halves, pecan halves, almonds, and cashews in a large bowl. Add ground cumin, smoked paprika, sea salt and black pepper; toss to coat.
  • Heat the brown sugar, water, and butter in a small saucepan over medium heat until the butter is melted. Cook for 1 minute and remove from heat. Slowly pour butter mixture over the bowl of nuts and stir to coat.
  • De-stalk the kaffir lime leaves and cut into rough bits. Stir in the kaffir lime leaves to the butter syrup nuts mixture and get ready to bake.
  • Transfer nuts to the prepared baking sheet and spread into a single layer. Bake the nuts in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes (1st bake).
  • Remove from oven and stir nuts until the warm syrup coats every nut evenly. Spread into a single layer and return to the oven for 2nd bake until nuts are sticky and roasted, about ~ 7-8 minutes. 
  • Allow to cool before serving or bottling.



#1  - Stir constantly when toasting the almonds and cashews. These nuts do brown easily so you would want to watch them well and take them off the heat once they are done. Best test of doneness is to taste. Crisp crunch means dry roasted.
#2 - Be careful when de-stalking the kaffir lime leaves. You may not know this but there are well camouflaged little thorns on the stems. These are quite sharp and can be prickly and painful if one is not careful.
#3 - Check the nuts during the 2nd bake more closely. This is the stage where the nuts absorbed all that beautiful brown butter syrup and you would want to take it out at the right texture where it’s just nicely coated, not sticky to the touch and yet not dry.


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About Me

Hi! I am Kai, a once-upon-a-banker turned home baker. Welcome to my family food blog which is all about love for baking, love for food and of course love for eating! Hope you will enjoy following this food adventure and be converted to many of our favorites!

I will always be pinching myself for this, my surreal Mandarin TV moments on MediaCorp Channel 8《狮城有约》here, here and here!

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