Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake



Love this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake.



I first had them at Manhattan Singapore, a popular cocktail bar which served up these little green lovelies as a celebratory treat for my anniversary. And they were simply da bombe with whisky no less!! As I bit into the petite green apple, I tasted a fusion of tangy creamy chocolate and was told  “This is our Chef’s signature green apple cheesecake”.



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake Pretty!



Since then, that taste has been unforgettable. In fact so much so the Sugar Crumble knew she had to make her own. So here it is, moons later – after assiduous fact finding & experiment, her very own green apple cheesecake! 



Green Apple Mousse CheesecakeIMHO, these taste best semi frozen …



Gorgeous little green apples made of light creamy apple mousse housed in a white chocolate shell and dipped in a beautiful green apple glaze. Small and delectable. Delicious. Divine.



Celebrating with Mom and DadCelebrating with my two treasures … always ♥️



I brought this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake home to celebrate with Mom and Dad and they loved it. Absolutely made my day! Hope you too will try this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake and love it like we do.







If you like this recipe tutorial and like to see more, subscribe to my YouTube channel here 😊



If you like my Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake, you may also like these other No Bake recipes:




What to watch out for …


#1 Get the right mould


To make these beautiful little Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake, you will need to to have the right apple shaped moulds. I also like to use a small ice ball/filling mould to create my apple cores. These silicon moulds make un-moulding easy and creates the most dainty and pristine apple shaped desserts.



Apple mouldWith the right mould, it’s easy !


Don’t just stick to making this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake. Imagine dessert red apples made of coffee mousse and an oozing caramel centre or matcha white chocolate mousse with yuzu compote core or milky coconut mousse with key lime curd … Sky’s the limit when you have the right tools for your dessert creation!



#2 Tips on assembly


The assembly of this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake is the most delicate part and here are some essential tips.


  • Always work with frozen apple mousse, you want to glaze when the mousse is frozen hard so that it will hold its shape well.



Frozen Apple mousseGlaze them frozen hard



  • Prep your assembly line ahead – once the apple mousse is unmoulded, place the tooth pick into the apple mousse whilst it is still frozen and place it back in the freezer whilst you prepare/ set up the glaze. I like to have  both glazes ready and set up in a small assembly line with plates lined with parchment etc. (you get the picture) so that the apples can be glazed immediately once they are brought out from the freezer. 



Glazing Prep your assembly



  • Always work quickly – the toothpick is inserted when the mousse is still frozen and acts as the handle for one to hold whilst glazing the apples. The tricky part is they lose their grip when the mousse becomes soft. If the mousse has softened, it will not hold its shape when glazed or hold the toothpick well making the process a lot more complicated. So prep your glazes beforehand, handle the apples frozen and work quickly like Speedy Gonzales!



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake on a cookie baseHandle gently using the cookie base & the toothpick



  • Glaze in small batches – I like to glaze in batches of 6-8 apples at a time straight from the freezer. Glazing in small batches allows me to work quickly through the apples whilst they are still nicely frozen. Once the apples are glazed, I return them to the chiller (not the freezer) for the glaze to set.



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake not Sticky to the touchNon sticky … once chilled and set sufficiently



  • Allow sufficient time for the glaze to set – give the glaze sufficient time to set or the apples will easily smudge when you handle them. When the glaze has set, it should be fairly non sticky to the touch which will make it easier to handle. Trim off any excess glaze with a knife or scissors before placing the apple on its cookie base.



Trimming to perfectionTrim them to perfection



  • Know when to remove the toothpick – the toothpick cannot be removed immediately after glazing as the mousse is still frozen. The best time to remove the toothpick is when the green apple glaze has set and the apple has been nicely placed on the cookie base. Once the apple is set on the cookie, the toothpick will no longer be needed as you can move/ handle the apple holding the biscuit base. The mousse would have softened quite a bit at this point and it will also be easy to remove the toothpick. 



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake removing the toothpickEasy to remove when the mousse has softened ..



  • Don’t be shy to revisit the microwave or the freezer – anytime the glaze starts to set or thicken during the handling, pop it back to the microwave for a few seconds just to loosen (not to heat) and thin out. Likewise, if the glazed apples becomes rather soft from sitting out for too long before the assembling is complete, simply place them back in the freezer for a couple of minutes to harden and they will be good to handle again. 



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake too softSet out for too long … a fail




#3 Lemon juice and apple glaze


The green apple glaze has a sugar to water ratio of 3:1 which is extremely high in my books. Truth be told, I feel slightly diabetic adding all that sugar, chocolate and condensed milk together. However, cutting down on any of the latter ingredients will not give the shiny glossy glaze that I want. I therefore like to add some lemon juice to the green apple glaze (completely cooled down) to balance out the sweetness.



Adding lemon to the glazeA lil’ lemon juice for that perfect balance!



Whilst this is optional, I absolutely love the sour tangy sweetness that lemon adds to the green apple glaze. If you are particular like me about desserts being overly sweet, don’t skip the lemon juice!



Curdled glazeMy curdled white chocolate glaze


Please note that adding the citrus juice during the cooking process could cause the mixture to curdle (that’s what happened to yours truly here – I believe it must have been the milk element reacting to the acid that caused the fat separation 🙄) My advice is to add the lemon juice only after the apple glaze has been cooled to room temperature! 



#4 Make ahead 


This Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake can be made ahead and assembled. I typically make the apple mousse / apple core ahead, fill them into the apple moulds and freeze them. These keep well for 2-3 weeks stored airtight and frozen. When I need to make my Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake for a celebration, I just take them out of the freezer, un-mould, glaze and assemble them a couple of days before the party. 



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake in the freezerFreeze these beauties & keep them fresh



#5 Storage 


Once the apples are glazed and assembled, they need to be kept chilled in the refrigerator until ready to serve. If stored in the chiller, they can keep well for 1 day after assembly. Alternatively, you can also freeze them for 2-3 days. On the day of serving, transfer the Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake to thaw and soften in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and serve. I actually prefer the latter as this keeps the apples cold and really delicious when they are served super chilled. 



Green Apple Mousse CheesecakePerfectly tart, sweet & creamy



Did you make this? I would love to know how it turned out. Tell me more! 😊  Please leave me a comment or tag me on Instagram, FB hashtag #thesugarcrumble 



Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake

Gorgeous little green apples made of light creamy apple mousse housed in a white chocolate shell with a beautiful green apple glaze. Tart and creamy. Delicious. Divine.
Prep Time1 hour 30 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Freezing & chilling time7 hours
Total Time8 hours 45 minutes
Course: Dessert
Keyword: Apple mousse cheesecake
Servings: 25 green apples
Author: Kai


Apple jelly

  • 100 ml pure apple juice
  • 1 tsp gelatine powder bloomed in 2 1/2 tsp cold water
  • Half a Granny Smith green apple finely cubed

Apple mousse

  • 3 Granny Smith green apples
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 70 g sugar
  • 250 g cream cheese
  • 200 ml heavy cream

White chocolate glaze ( Note: this can glaze one batch of 7-8 apples)

  • 100 g chocolate
  • 30 g coconut oil

Green apple glaze ( Note: this can glaze two batches of 7-8 apples)

  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g condensed milk
  • 100 g white chocolate
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 tsp gelatine powder bloomed in 2 tbsp cold water
  • 3/4 tbsp lemon juice (added when the glaze is completely cooled)

Final decor

  • Mini digestive or butter cookies
  • Dark chocolate Glico Pocky sticks (for the stalks)
  • Mint leaves (for the apple foilage)
  • Mix of black biscuit / biscoff cookie crumbs (for the apple soil)


Apple jelly core

  • Peel and chop finely one Granny Smith apple. Fill the filling mould with the apple bits till about 2/3 full.
  • Bloom 1 tsp gelatine in 2 1/2 tsp cold water. Once the gelatine has bloomed, microwave it for 5 sec to liquefy and add to 100ml pure apple juice. Stir to combine and fill the filling mould completely with the liquid apple jelly. Tap the mould a few times on the work table to get rid of air bubbles and top up the mould with the liquid apple jelly if required to fill it completely. Freeze for 2 hours or until frozen hard.

Apple mousse

  • Peel 3 Granny Smith apples and chop into large chunks. Place the apple chunks into the blender, add in the juice of 1 lemon (remove any seeds), 70g sugar and blend well under puréed. Make sure to scrape down the sides well and blend till well pureed. Set aside.
  • Whisk the softened cream cheese until very smooth. Add in the apple puree without the liquids as much as possible and blend well. Once well mixed, set aside. Whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks and using a spatula gently mix and blend it with the apple cream cheese (Note: this apple mousse will have a slightly grainy texture). Once well blended, transfer the apple mousse into a large piping bag.
  • Creating the apple - Pipe the apple mousse into each apple mould until half full. Then, un-mould the apple jelly core and gently place one into each apple mould. Finally top off fully with more apple mousse. Tap the mould gently on the work table to release any air bubbles and to fill it well. Once fully filled, level off with an offset spatula. (This apple mousse fills a total of 25 apple moulds - 18 with core and 7 without). Freeze for 5 hours or overnight until frozen hard.


    White chocolate glaze

    • Microwave 100g white chocolate and 30g coconut oil in 30 second bursts until fully melted. Stir till shiny and smooth and *cool completely*.

    Green apple glaze

    • Bloom 2 tsp gelatine in 2 tbsp cold water. In a medium pot, add 100ml water, 100g white chocolate, 100g sugar and 100g condensed milk. Melt the chocolate fully and bring the mixture to a gentle boil. Then add in the bloomed gelatine, mix well, dissolve completely and boil briskly for a minute. Take it off heat and add in the coloring (I used just a toothpick tip of leaf green and buttercup yellow gel coloring to create my apple green color). Set aside and *cool completely*.


    • Working quickly, remove the frozen apples from the moulds. Insert a toothpick into each frozen apple for easy handling. Return them to the freezer whilst you prepare the glaze.
    • Glaze in small batches of 7-8 apples to keep them frozen hard as you glaze. Immerse each apple in the white chocolate ganache and drip dry well before setting it down on parchment for the chocolate glaze to set. Again work quickly. The apples need to be glazed when they are frozen to hold its shape.
    • Optional: add in 3/4 tbsp lemon juice to the green apple glaze (to balance its sweetness).
    • Dip each frozen apple several times in the green apple glaze, drip off well and set it down onto a plate to firm up. If there are any air bubbles on the glazed apple, remove it gently with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Chill the glazed apples in the fridge for 1-2 hours until fully set. It should be fairly non sticky when it’s set. Holding the inserted toothpick, quickly sit each apple on a small round cookie base.
    • Handle gently as the frozen mousse has softened whilst chilled in the fridge.
    • Remove the toothpick easily now as the mousse is soft. Again work quickly as the toothpick may not hold the apple well once the mousse has softened too much. Return the apples to the fridge if necessary to firm up whilst preparing the stalks and leaves.

    Plating the apples

    • Cut the Glico pocky stick into short inch-sized stalks with a jagged point.
    • Then gently insert the stalk and mint leaf into each apple. Create some apple soil with a mix of black biscuit and biscoff biscuit crumbs and plate your apples. Return to chill in the fridge or if you like them semi frozen, return them to the freezer until serving. Enjoy.



    If you like this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake tutorial and like to see more, subscribe to my YouTube channel here. 
    #1 Get the right mould
    To make these beautiful little Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake, you will need to to have the right apple shaped moulds. I also like to use a small icecube/filling mould to create my apple cores. These silicon moulds make un-moulding easy and creates the most dainty and pristine apple shaped desserts. Don't just stick to making this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake. Imagine red apples made of coffee mousse and an oozing caramel centre, matcha white chocolate mousse with yuzu compote core or milky coconut mousse with key lime curd ... Sky's the limit when you have the right tools for your dessert creation!
    #2 Tips on assembly
    The assembly of this Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake is the most delicate part and here are some essential tips.
    • Always work with frozen apple mousse, you want to glaze when the mousse is frozen hard so that it will hold its shape well.
    • Prep your assembly line ahead - once the apple mousse is unmoulded, place the tooth pick into the apple mousse whilst it is still frozen and place it back in the freezer whilst you prepare/ set up the glaze. I like to have  both glazes ready and set up in a small assembly line with plates lined with parchment etc. (you get the picture) so that the apples can be glazed immediately once they are brought out from the freezer.
    • Always work quickly - the toothpick is inserted when the mousse is still frozen and acts as the handle for one to hold whilst glazing the apples. The tricky part is they lose their grip when the mousse becomes soft. If the mousse has softened, it will not hold its shape when glazed or hold the toothpick well making the process a lot more complicated. So prep your glazes beforehand, handle the apples frozen and work quickly like Speedy Gonzales!
    • Glaze in small batches - I like to glaze in batches of 6-8 apples at a time straight from the freezer. Glazing in small batches allows me to work quickly through the apples whilst they are still nicely frozen. Once the apples are glazed, I return them to the chiller (not the freezer) for the glaze to set.
    • Allow sufficient time for the glaze to set - give the glaze sufficient time to set or the apples will easily smudge when you handle them. When the glaze has set, it should be fairly non sticky to the touch which will make it easier to handle. Trim off any excess glaze with a knife or scissors before placing the apple on its cookie base.
    • Know when to remove the toothpick - the toothpick cannot be removed immediately after glazing as the mousse is still frozen. The best time to remove the toothpick is when the green apple glaze has set and the apple has been nicely placed on the cookie base. Once the apple is set on the cookie, the toothpick will no longer be needed as you can move/ handle the apple holding the biscuit base. The mousse would have softened quite a bit at this point and it will also be easy to remove the toothpick.
    • Don’t be shy to revisit the microwave or the freezer - anytime the glaze starts to set or thicken during the handling, pop it back to the microwave for a few seconds just to loosen (not to heat) and thin out. Likewise, if the glazed apples becomes rather soft from sitting out for too long before the assembling is complete, simply place them back in the freezer for a couple of minutes to harden and they will be good to handle again.
    #3 Lemon juice and apple glaze
    The green apple glaze has a sugar to water ratio of 3:1 which is extremely high in my books. Truth be told, I feel slightly diabetic adding all that sugar, chocolate and condensed milk together!! However, cutting down on any of the latter ingredients will not give the shiny glossy glaze that I want. I therefore like to add some lemon juice to the green apple glaze (completely cooled down) to balance out the sweetness. Whilst this is optional, I absolutely love the sour tangy sweetness that lemon adds to the green apple glaze. If you are particular like me about desserts being overly sweet, don’t skip the lemon juice!
    Please note that adding the citrus juice during the cooking process could cause the mixture to curdle (that’s what happened to yours truly here - I believe it must have been the milk element reacting to the acid that caused the fat separation 🙄) My advice is to add the lemon juice only after the apple glaze has been cooled to room temperature!
    #4 Make ahead
    This Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake can be made ahead and assembled. I typically make the apple mousse / apple core ahead, fill them into the apple moulds and freeze them. These keep well for 2-3 weeks stored airtight and frozen. When I need to make my Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake for a celebration, I just take them out of the freezer, un-mould, glaze and assemble them a couple of days before the party.
    #5 Storage
    Once the apples are glazed and assembled, they need to be kept chilled in the refrigerator until ready to serve. If stored in the chiller, they can keep well for 1 day after assembly. Alternatively, you can also freeze them for 2-3 days. On the day of serving, transfer the Green Apple Mousse Cheesecake to thaw and soften in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and serve. I actually prefer the latter as this keeps the apples cold and really delicious when they are served super chilled.


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    Hi! I am Kai, a once-upon-a-banker turned home baker. Welcome to my family food blog which is all about love for baking, love for food and of course love for eating! Hope you will enjoy following this food adventure and be converted to many of our favorites!

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