Ridiculously Easy Homemade NianGao (年糕)

Ridiculously Easy Homemade NianGao (年糕)

  Wanna know what I discovered this Chinese New Year?  This Ridiculously Easy Homemade Nian Gao! Love this homemade NianGao (年糕)Ridiculously easy and done in 3 simple steps. And homemade is always the best! Cause you control the type of sugar and more importantly the...
Tender Beef with Coriander (No Stir-fry)

Tender Beef with Coriander (No Stir-fry)

 Tender Beef with Coriander … perfectly cooked beef, chocked full of veggie goodness. Tender, juicy, packed with fresh veggie crunch and tossed with a mouth-watering special sauce.  This Tender Beef with Coriander is an easy recipe as there is no stir frying. It is...
Korean Jammy Eggs!

Korean Jammy Eggs!

 Love these Korean Jammy Eggs! Also called Mayak eggs or Korean marinated eggs. They are jammy, yummy and absolutely divine! Be warned, you’d not stop at one!  When I first saw Korean marinated eggs viral on TikTok some moons ago, I was so excited to try because it...
Orange Cointreau Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake

Orange Cointreau Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake

  Orange Cointreau Chocolate Snowskin Mooncake, a classy alcoholic orange choc mooncake that is dark, bittersweet with a white chocolate nutty core. Gorgeous, decadent,  delicious and perfect for a blessed Mid-autumn ♥️ This Orange Cointreau Chocolate Snowskin...
My Healthy Braised Pork Intestines (滷大腸)

My Healthy Braised Pork Intestines (滷大腸)

 2024 new year ‘new dish’? My Healthy Braised Pork Intestines for the Hubs who loves kway chap (粿汁). Why Healthy? I sniped off 50% of the fats what’s why. Daughters say this is not a dish for the faint hearted and I tend to agree! See note on cleaning...
Pistachio Matcha Pineapple Tart

Pistachio Matcha Pineapple Tart

 What’s perfect to celebrate Chinese New Year? Make this beautiful Pistachio Matcha Pineapple Tart.  This Pistachio Matcha Pineapple Tart is just the perfect snack you want to have to welcome Chinese New Year. Delicious &  festive I usually celebrate CNY making my...