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Beautiful Stay Soft Caramel

Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Dessert
Servings: 350 ml
Author: Kai


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 40 g butter (unsalted)
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream


  • Prepare the 4 ingredients and set them within easy reach of the stove.
  • Add the sugar and water in a heavy-bottomed light-colored pan.
  • Set on medium heat and gently swirl the pan until the sugar has dissolved. If there are sugar crystals forming along the sides, dip a pastry brush in a little water to brush the crystals away.
  • When the sugar has fully dissolved, up heat to medium high and carefully watch the sugar change in color. Do not walk away and observe the color change. This will take ~ 5 minutes. The sugar may brown in a twinkle of an eye, so watch carefully.
  • Once the sugar syrup reaches a rich golden copper color, turn off the heat and immediately add the butter and heavy cream, whisking briskly.
  • Keep whisking until the butter and cream are fully combined and the caramel is smooth and shiny.
  • Transfer immediately to another pan and cool completely. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.



#1 Never walk away when cooking caramel. The sugar, as it is being cooked will change color in just that split second and if you walk away, chances are, your caramel is going to fail. So remember NO BREAKS when making this Stay Soft Caramel.
#2 Watch it like a hawk as the sugar melts. Once the sugar has fully dissolved in the water, in ~ 5 minutes, it will change from a transparent liquid sugar to a deep copper gold. When the sugar has browned to that gleaming copper gold, switch off the fire immediately and stir in the butter and the cream. As you stir that liquid gold, Tadah! ... it transforms into this Beautiful Stay Soft Caramel - your new BFF 😊
#3 The Stay Soft Caramel caramel will continue to cook in the heated pan so once the butter and cream have been fully combined, transfer this liquid gold into another pan to cool completely.
#4 This Stay Soft Caramel keeps well for 2 weeks refrigerated. If you need to drizzle it, simple spoon some out and microwave for 10-15 seconds. It will soften and become yummy drippy caramel sauce, perfect for drizzling.